
A group of people lined up together with arms around shoulders, smiling

Financial statements

In 2022/23, thanks to the unstoppable determination and boundless support of our donors, partners, volunteers and staff, the °Ä²Êͼ¿â maximized impact for people affected by cancer.

Throughout the year, guided by our bold , we pursued innovative strategies to engage even more people in Canada to help take control of cancer. We leveraged new digital fundraising solutions and established new partnerships, and we resumed in-person community fundraising events, galvanizing thousands of people to support our cause. Thanks to these efforts, we increased our investment in all mission areas to save and improve more lives and propel more research outcomes.

This would not have been possible without the committed, generous and growing network of supporters who showed up for us in a big way. Together, we are transforming the future of cancer through world class research, transformative advocacy and compassionate support services.

Information about our T3010

Charities are legally required to file a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010) to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). It discloses financial information including the CCS’s programs, fundraising activities and executive compensation. .
3 women smiling at the camera

Read our Impact Report

Read our 2022/23 Impact Report and find out how we’re making a meaningful difference to Canadians.

3 women smiling at the camera