Accelerator Grants Competition Results | °Ä²Êͼ¿â


Results of the July 2022 Accelerator Grants Competition

CCS’s forthcoming research strategy aims to put people at its core and deliver results that will significantly improve the outlook of people affected by cancer in Canada by 2040. To achieve this, we are committed to investing in research that will drive accelerated progress beyond academia, identifying and filling the critical gaps that exist, and applying current knowledge about what we know works.

As part of this commitment, the Accelerator Grant program was launched earlier this year to support 1-2 year research projects that accelerate the application of high-quality evidence addressing an unmet, cancer-related need, through the following two grant types:

  • Synthesis Grants: Applications that aim to synthesize existing evidence (both qualitative and quantitative) to conclusively identify unmet cancer-related needs, identify research gaps, or to pool existing evidence to determine implementation strategy effectiveness. The expectation is that funded syntheses would contribute to informing decisions about programs, procedures, practices, or policies that will be meaningful to people affected by cancer.

  • Implementation Science Grants: Applications that aim to identify, assess, develop and evaluate strategies that can influence the adoption, implementation and sustainment of validated, efficacious, reproducible, and needed evidence-based interventions - including programs, practice guidelines and policies (or conversely, de-implementation of ineffective, contradicted, mixed, and untested (i.e. potentially harmful) health interventions).

We are pleased to announce the results of the inaugural competition.

Geographical breakdown

Investment by research area

Investment by cancer type

Investment by grant type 

Competition results by career stage

Early career, mid-career and senior investigators assumed their first independent academic appointment <5, 5-15 and >15 years from the time of application, respectively, with time deducted for COVID-19 and personal absences
 Early career, mid-career and senior investigators assumed their first independent academic appointment <5, 5-15 and >15 years from the time of application, respectively, with time deducted for COVID-19 and personal absences

Abstracts of the Accelerator Grants Projects

Please note:

  • Amounts listed below represent the total dollars awarded and may include funds for salaries, supplies, and equipment.
  • The start date for these grants is November 15, 2022
  • Only the Principal Investigator is named in this listing. Co-Principal Investigators, Co-Applicants, Additional Authors, Implementers/Decision-makers, and Patient/Survivor/Caregiver members may also be associated with these grants.

Below is a list of newly awarded Accelerator Grants. 

Note Carefully:

Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing below, this list does not constitute an "official" notification.

Successful applicants have been informed, in writing, with an official Notification of Award giving the details pertaining to their grant.



Campbell, Kristin
University of British Columbia
Knowledge Translation and Mobilization to Support Exercise Recommendations for People with Bone Metastases
2022 $100,000
2023 $100,000

Coroiu, Adina
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Creating capacity to implement referrals to smoking cessation across regional cancer centers in Ontario
2022 $99,883
2023 $99,367
Dummer, Trevor
University of British Columbia
Preventing cancer in the gender minority population: a knowledge synthesis of existing practice
2022 $49,875
2023 $50,000
Feilotter, Harriet
Queen's University
The Canadian Biomarker Adoption Pathway
2022 $100,000
2023 $100,000

Gagliardi, Anna
The Toronto Hospital (General Division) UHN
Improving communication about low risk cancers
2022 $50,000
2023 $50,000
Groot, Gary
University of Saskatchewan
Métis Cultural Continuity and Cancer Prevention: A Scoping Review
2022  $48,605
Hutton, Brian
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Validity of routinely collected health data in recording breast cancer recurrence, progression & mortality: a scoping review of the literature
2022 $49,350
2023 $25,248
Krzyzanowska, Monika
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre UHN
Operationalizing a Panel of Quality Measures for the Evaluation of Virtual Care in Oncology Practice
2022 $49,684
2023 $48,714
Lebel, Sophie
University of Ottawa
Managing fear of cancer recurrence in clinical settings: an implementation study of the FORT intervention
2022 $100,000
2023 $100,000

Santos Salas, Anna
University of Alberta
Increasing Access to Palliative Care for Advanced Cancer Patients from Racialized Communities of African and Latin American Descent
2022 $100,000
2023 $100,000
Stacey, Dawn
University of Ottawa
Symptom practice guides for assessing, triaging and managing patients with cancer symptoms: a knowledge synthesis study
2022 $49,989
2023 $49,996
Urquhart, Robin
Dalhousie University
Adapting and implementing cancer patient pathways in Nova Scotia: an evidence based and inclusive approach
2022 $90,924
2023 $99,850
Yang, Lin
University of Calgary
Development, implementation, and evaluation of a cancer Prehabilitation program to Enhance knowledge, improve mentAl health and Keep up physical function: the PEAK program
2022 $100,000
2023 $100,000
* Approved  budget listed by CCS fiscal year

Last modified on: November 28, 2022